Saturday, September 02, 2006

Summer Adventures: Vol. 2

Family Time! Michelle and Nicole came out and it was so great to have them! They helped out at the club and really made this summer unforgetable for me. I don't know what I would have done without them.

A race to the finish at the Alpine slides! Nicole was a great photographer.

Fun at the county fair.

Not so much fun at the county fair.

Tom and Nicole were truly fearless. They are about to go on a ride that flys you up and down.

Michelle and I took the safer route and went on the Dragon ride, with about 15 other 5-year-olds.

Michelle's Birthday. Nicole made great brownies!!

Our great concession girls. They got more tips in the one month they were there than anyone the entire summer! Sweets serving sweets!


topher clark said...

Hi Tanya.

Sure love the new blog. I like the picture of the girl throwing up the best. Nothing says County Fair like a girl throwing up.

Miss you guys down here. But it looks like you're pretty happy where you are...