Friday, August 14, 2009

My Family

I just wanted to share this. I have the most beautiful family... and it's all because of these two! No, I'm not going to say "all because two people fell in love."


Melissa said...

Wow my hair looks really good in that picture. What happened? I love our family too.

Angela said...

i love it. your family looks great! i stalked you on facebook and it looked like you had a great time at your baby shower! congratulations, darling!

Hailey said...

How awesome, to have everyone together for that picture--what a great-looking family!

Lisah said...

that is a great picture of your family!!!

Anonymous said...

this has totally nothing to do w/ this post, but I'm a friend of Tom's from long ago, and just confessed to him that I read your blog (I'm friends w/ Crystal Freeman and followed the link one bored day). And I now just feel the need to de-lurk myself, so, *delurkify*. I guess my little brother is in your ward as well, so, connections all over the place. Anyway, I really like reading your blog, and nice to pseudo-ish meet you via the interwebs.

Errin Julkunen-Pedersen