Friday, December 21, 2007

A Time To Mourn

I needed to put my sorrow out into the universe. It might help me move on. First, let me say I take every precaution to protect my laptop short of sleeping with it. Ask Tom. I am paranoid about where I leave it. So, when we rushed out of the office last Friday for a friend's Christmas party and I discovered I left the laptop at the shop, you can imagine my desire to turn right around and retrieve it. We decided the laptop was perfectly safe locked away at work, under a desk out of sight no less. So, one thing lead to another and I did not go back all weekend. Upon arrival to work Monday morning we discovered that ours and several other units had been broken into. They were looking for blank checks. They found them at several other offices. Luckily, United suffered no loss. Yes, here's where your stomach turns...

They found my laptop bag.

Here are some of the contents of my laptop bag:
1. Various important papers including some credit card statements so I had to change all my credit cards
2. BRAND NEW macbook
3. ipod video
4. wireless internet card I bought LAST WEEK!
4. Every song I've ever downloaded- I have over 50 gigs of music; (that's a lot) And all that music was purchased legally, so I'm out that money, not just time
5. Every picture I've ever taken from the beginning of my marriage in 2003; and no, they weren't backed up anywhere because I just put them all onto the computer planning to back them up on an external hard drive when I had a spare moment.

Let me just say: I know I'm extremely blessed. It's just stuff. I know that. I'm still very grateful for all the Lord's done for me. I lead a very blessed and cushioned life. It was a lot of eggs in one basket. In the end everything works out for the best. I'll probably regret this blog. Maybe if I had come Saturday night to retrieve the laptop I would have walked in on the scum and they would have shot me or something. I have all these optomistic thoughts and I'm often fine, but it still sucks!

So, that's why I've been down this week. We've made an insurance claim and you know how easy and painless they make it. Oh wait, they treat everyone like you must making a fraudulent claim. I have to provide receipts for everything that was taken. The laptop's easy, I just got that. But Tom gave me the ipod 2 years ago. The music will be a bear to find receipts for and I'm sure they won't count pictures as valueable, even though that's what eats me up the most! So, because people in the world are thieves I'm having to deal with insurance people who treat you like a thief because the same scummy types are defrauding insurance agencies as well. I haven't talked about it much because I get pretty upset every time I think about it too long.

So, I'm hoping this will be theraputic. I'm really grateful for everyone's blogs and pictures. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll post all that I'm grateful for. I know people are going hungry and homeless and presentless. I just needed to be a little down so I can appreciate the up I guess.


Jennifer said...

I am so mad for you! I am so sorry for your loss. You let it out and cry some too because it's your party.

Melissa said...

I was sick when I heard about what had happened. I hope that whoever took your bag suffers and dies. I hate them. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

i love melissa's anger. that does tick me off. you know same thing happened to me, kind of. but it was my fault. so here's a laugh for you.

i decided to delete my account on the computer and start a new. don't ask why, cuz not even i know.
but anyway. i had dad save all my files to sean's account. and he told me "DON'T DO ANYTHING TO THAT FILE"
being me, not that i was angry, i just wasn't listening to him when he said it, i took the file and moved it to my new account.

which deleted all my photos from before efy, before wy, before my birthday 3 years ago. EVERYTHING.

it's still on the computer. one know where it's hiding sadly :C

Melissa said...

Man, oh, man - that is the suckiest suck that ever sucked. I'm SOOOO sad for you - petty thieves make me nausious. They'll get thier come-up-ins, though - along with all the Europeans that choose against deodorant on a daily basis. I should also give you the address to my glass house, JUST in case anyway wishes to cast stones.

Bethany said...

So - are you "up" yet? This post was in December!!

Also, I'm so happy to have found you. I miss you guys so much!