Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We're alive!

It's hard to write a blog when you don't have any cute baby pictures to share. I'm determined to try though. I do have one interesting thing to share....


That's just a little teaser. I'll post an actual summary when I don't have hours of homework to finish.

But hey, at least I have a post in the year 2007!!


Robin D said...

Hi Tonya! What ya know that the one time I check out your blog you happen to post something that day! Just thought I'd say hello and hope that you and Tom are doing great. I was so sad to hear about his dad. Take care!

Melissa said...

Yeah, this is so much fun. We need to get mom and dad blogging. love you guys.

Naomi & Greg said...

totally understand about the homework and any other household project that is being neglected because I am doing this. But I love to see and hear what is going on with you and Tom...always have. Love your new blog title as well. Someday we'll have that B&B.

Becca said...

Hi Tonya, It's been a long time. I found your link on Naomi's site. I enjoyed seeing all of your adventures. Looks like you've been having fun! Good luck with everything. Come see my blog :0)

Melissa said...

Hey! Why am I just now learning of your blog? Is this Pompei? LOVE that place.